We’re getting ready for our Annual Easter Egg Hunt Activities with the kids! Several years ago, I found this cute printable for a Magic Jelly Bean package at this cute website called Nothing But Country. Magic Jelly Beans have become a tradition with our grandkids! The kids simply “plant” the magic jelly beans outside in the dirt and sprinkle it with a little bit of water. Within a few minutes (or however long it takes for the magic to happen, *wink-wink*) the magic jelly beans have grown into some kind of fun lollipop or treat. The kids look forward to planting these Magic Jelly Beans every year!
So every year, I upload the pdf to my local copy store and have them print color copies on regular weight white paper. This way, the color is more vivid than with my home printer. Then they just need to be cut out, filled with a few jelly beans and glued together. This year, their magic jelly beans are going to grow into these cute Tootsie Pop Bunnies.
Click on the PDF at the end of the post to download the Paper Bunny Pops printable from Oriental Trading Co. I had them printed on white cardstock to give them a little bit of structure.
Because I used Tootsie Pops instead of Dum Dum suckers, I made a few adjustments to the instructions that were given on the printable. When I had them printed at the copy store, I asked them to increase the size to 110% (It needs to be a little bit bigger to fit a Tootsie Pop rather than a DumDum sucker as shown on the instructions.)
Also, I used these white Chenille Stems for the bunny ears rather than pipe cleaners as shown on the instructions. You can add the bow or omit the bow, whatever you think is best.
Cut a chenille stem in half. Twist the chenille stem around the stick to form the bunny ears (about 1″ from the end) and secure with a dot of hot glue. Stand the bunny up and put a dot of hot glue on the sucker to stick the sucker to the paper feet. Follow the instructions on the pdf download for gluing on the pom pom “paws” and fluffy “tail.”
Won’t the kids be surprised when they see what grew from those Magic Jelly Beans this year?
Click for the printables:
Here are some of the other items you’ll need: