Heavenly Coconut Bars

My mother-in-law is known for these things. She made a few small changes to the original recipe, and man,  I’m glad she did! These are awesome!  They are quick and easy, it’s one of those recipes that fools everyone into thinking it’s a seven step process.  Score!  If you like coconut, you’ll love these!

Heavenly Coconut Bars

2 pkg. graham crackers (crushed) – about 3 c.

2 sticks butter

2 cans sweetened condensed milk

8 oz. shredded coconut

1 1/2  c. Guittard milk chocolate chips (big chips)

2 c.butterscotch chips


Preheat oven to 350.  In a jellyroll pan,  dice butter and place on the pan.  Put in the oven for a few minutes until the butter melts.  Once melted take out and put on a stove top or flat, heat resistant surface.  Evenly distribute  the graham cracker crumbs all over the melted better. You don’t need to stir it up.  It will combine while baking and form a crust.  Drizzle sweetened condensed milk over the crumbs.  Add a layer of chocolate chips, then butterscotch chips and finally top with coconut shreds. Make sure the ingredients are pressed down so they begin to combine.  Put back in the oven and bake for for 25 – 30 minutes. Watch closely  so the coconut doesn’t get too brown.  It’ should be golden in color.  Remove from oven and let cool.  Makes 30 Servings.


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