I had a creative moment that has totally paid off that I am so excited to share. The Best Way to Get the Sticky Adhesive Residue off!
Something that we all have in common is, we buy things. These things usually have price tags, labels or stickers on them. Only 1/100 times can we say, “Thank you Mr. Manufacturer for not using the cheap stickers that leave a grimy film that lasts for the life of the product.”. For the other 99 times, we now have this DIY tidbit.
Here is how this tip was born.
Last week I bought a bunch of MaraNatha Almond Butter when I found them on sale. The glass jars are perfect size for many things, including using them for making DIY drinking glasses with Lids.
As I was taking off the label of my first one down, my enthusiasm for making a set of drinking glasses with lids began to fade quickly. MaraNatha uses a ton of adhesive for the labels.
As I started scratching away, using my fingernails to scrape until they hurt. I had a flashback to when I was 15. Flashing Back: We moved into a new house with awful wallpaper. My mom said that I could paint my room whatever color I wanted if I peeled off the wallpaper myself. Little did I know what a pain in the butt it is! For days, I scraped and scraped, thanking the heavens for the wallpaper stripper DIF GEL spray that got me my plum colored walls.
It finally clicked. This is the same concept, so I tried it!
I went and got some Rustoleum DIF GEL (non-toxic) and followed the instructions as if my nasty adhesive stripes were that hideous wallpaper from long ago.
I sprayed it on and let it set for 15 minutes. Then, got out the butter knife.
I put the jar in a disposable grocery sac to catch the overspray and contain the mess, and in moments all that resilient adhesive was gone! Make sure to rinse well then wash with soap and water.
MaraNatha drinking glass set, you will be mine.
So, my point is, DIF GEL IS SOMETHING TO HAVE ON HAND for those sticky situation
Do you have any favorite ways to get that gunk off?
rubbing alcohol removes stick adhesives. I keep my rubbing alcohol in a small spray bottle. I use it to clean things in my kitchen too. Your welcome!
Thanks I will try that on some of my smaller price tag adhesives.
Goo-be-gone works really well for getting the sticky out of a lot of things.
I absolutely LOVE Goo Gone! It works amazing!!!!!
I believe you can buy it at the dollar store which is a bonus!
WD40 works great!!!!
Nail polish remover works in a flash. It’s the quickest method I’ve tried so far.
Thank you all for your feedback! Its the best part about blogging!
I think I found this on Pinterest, but it WORKS! You mix a paste of baking soda and whatever cooking oil you have on hand. Apply it and leave it on for a few minutes. It takes it right off. Just follow up with soap and water.
Love this! I have such a time getting tags off dish and glassware I buy at Marshall’s or thrift stores. Drives me crazy!
Sounds ridiculous, but I like to save my jars for odds and ends too. I simply put the jar with labels still on under hot hot tap water, grab my scrunchie I use for washing dishes (brand Tuffy, I believe), wait for water to soften label, peel off big part of label, then scrub with soap detergent all the residual glue and small pieces of label. Glue comes right off. Hot water is the trick. Rinse and then finish with a run in dish washer to sparkle the glass.
When my kids were younger they put the stickers they got from grocery stores, the dentist, doctors office etc. on all kinds of things.. a car window a wooden end table the refrigerator. I was forever trying to remove adhesive off different surfaces. I did find that rubbing alcohol, cooking oil , or nail polish remover worked, You just have to be mindful of what the surface finish is made of. The polish remover can damage some surfaces. The best part was in most cases you have one of these on-hand already so there was no need for a special trip to the store.
I’ve soaked jars and bottles in a sink full of water and some OxiClean. It was like magic.
I have used WD40 or the Walmart cheap version (for a whopping $1.76) and any scrubber.Comes off like a dream. Hope this helps.
“Happy Crafting”
I usually use my hair dryer, on the hot setting, and hold it close to the label, price tags, etc. In just a few short seconds it will peel right off!