5 Whole Wheat Wraps your Family Will Love

5 Whole Wheat Wraps your family will LOVE

For all of you who have picky eaters out there, and even those who don’t, but just want to break out of a rut, try wraps. Sandwiches everyday can get boring and can also encourage pickiness by not branching out. These are some of my families favorite wraps. Oh yes,  and they’re good for you too!


Almond Butter Banana Wrap

My personal favorite is the Almond Butter Banana Wraps. The kids think I’m serving dessert first when I bust these babies out. All it is is a whole wheat tortilla with almond butter slathered on it Then I cut thin slices of banana and place them in thin layer all over the almond butter. All you have left to do is wrap it up. I usually pair this with some cottage cheese or another high protein that has a little salt. SO GOOD and so filling!

Almond Butter Banana Wrap


Barbeque Chicken Wrap

For this wrap I start with a whole wheat tortilla, add grilled chicken (usually leftovers from the night before, add spinach, cheese of your choice and drizzle on some BBQ sauce.( I’ve been known to add a little ranch dressing from time to time too).

Barbeque Chicken Wrap


Turkey Bacon Avocado Wrap

Again, start with a whole Wheat tortilla. Spread on a little mayo and mustard (if you prefer).  Then add turkey, cheese, spinach, tomato, avocado, and a couple slices of bacon. Wrap it up into one scrumptious bundle of Heaven


Turkey Bacon Avocado Wrap

Tip: If you don’t typically have bacon on hand, buy a bag of bacon crumbles from your local grocery store or discount club. It is typically found by the condiments and salad dressings.  You can sprinkle them in sandwiches, wraps, burritos, omelettes, you name it!  It keeps in the fridge for weeks and then you don’t have to endure the house smelling for days because you had a hankering for a couple slices of bacon.


Breakfast Burrito Wrap

Start with a whole wheat tortilla. Scramble some eggs and place inside the wrap along with some cheese. You can add salsa, peppers, onions, bacon, sausage whatever you like. There are no wrong answers.

Breakfast Burrito Wrap


Pizza Wrap

Take one whole wheat tortilla, spread with pizza sauce, mozzarella cheese, whatever toppings you have on hand. Broil for one or two minutes and roll! Your kids will think they did something special to deserve this lunch!

Whole Wheat Pizza Wrap

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