5 Tips to Save you Money Online

5 Tips to Save Money Onlilne

I must say, I love to shop for things online, and I’ve gotten pretty good at it too. I know there are those of you out there that don’t like shop this way because you can’t physically see something, touch it or try it on, but there is one blaring, huge advantage to shopping online. Price. If you have more time than money, you should be using this method for your families needs. There are just a few tricks of the trade that you need to know to make a huge difference in the way you’re shopping.  I’m going to give you 5 tips that will start saving you money right now, and will change the way you shop online forever.  Listen up…

1. Never Buy the Item From the First Place You Find It!!!

Do your research!  I usually research and find the exact item I want and then visit a magical little site called Nextag.com.  There are several of these types of shopping search engines, but this is the one I like. All you do is type in the product you are looking for and it will pull up all the places online you can purchase that item.  Oh, then you can sort all those places by price. Hello! No brainer!

2. Create a Favorites List!

Once you start using Nextag.com or similar site, you’ll start seeing a pattern in the stores that carry things you need for less. Here are a few of my hidden gems. If you’ve never heard of these sites, I would recommend checking them out for yourself.

Sierratradingpost.com (Clothing, Housewares, Sporting goods, Overstock items, etc.)
Overstock.com (Clothing, Housewares, Sporting goods, Furniture, etc.)
Backcountry.com (Outdoor Gear, Clothing, etc.)
Amazon.com (Anything and Everything…)

3. Sign Up For Mailers, Email Lists or Price Trackers For Your Most Frequented Online Stores.

I hate spam as much as the next girl, but it’s not really junk mail to me if I’m purchasing items on those sites anyway. That way I can wait to checkout until a 20% off, or a free shipping heads my way.

Use Poachit.com.  You set up an account and can implement a “Poach” button into your toolbar.  What it does is when you find items you want online, you hit the poach button, essentially like you would pin something on Pinterest, and the site will track and let you know when there are price drops for that product.  SO COOL!

4. Visit the Big Box Stores Sites

I flippin’ love Target! Just saying, I can usually find anything I need at Target.com and know they offer good, quality products. The best part about online big box store shopping is that you don’t have to ship it back if you change your mind, you have the option to return it back to the store.

5. Never Checkout Without a Coupon or a Promo Code.

There is never a reason to not get a discount. All you need to do is Google “promo codes” or “coupon code” There is always some promotion going on. Most likely you’ll get redirected to a coupon site like retailmenot.com or similar coupon site where you’ll find all kinds of coupons from free shipping to very specific brand promos. I don’t remember the last time I didn’t have a code at checkout.

Go try out these tips!I would love to hear about all of your bargain finds. I bet you’ll soon be bragging about how online savvy you are too :)


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