ugliest Christmas sweater

5 Key Steps to Wearing the Ugliest Christmas Sweater

ugliest Christmas sweater

I think that by now we have all been to an ugly sweater party or two. This silly tradition has caught on like wildfire. At each party, it’s a competition for the ugliest sweater. When trying to obtain this trophy, you have to ask yourself, how far are you willing to go. What makes an ugly sweater so ugly anyways?Here are a few key things when looking for a really ugly sweater.

  1.  Make sure the sweater is extremely too small or too big. If it fits right, its not ugly enough.
  2. Choose vibrant, true to rainbow, colors. All though pastels come in a close second. Stay away from pleasant, neutral colors or earth tones.
  3. Homemade embellishments are a must. Glue on some real ornaments, lights, garland, stuffed animals, real cookies and milk, mardi gras beads, green lucky rabbits foot etc.
  4. Make sure to wear a hideous turtle neck underneath, or perhaps a dickie {untucked in the back}. Other options include wearing ugly glasses, gobby earrings, santa hat, fake teeth, Pippy Longstockings freckles.
  5.  Become the ugly sweater. Play the part and be super nerdy. Win over the crowd with your ugly sweater cheer. Give everyone a high five or a two thumbs up. Or, carry around a Christmas mug all night and shape your hand like a pistol, point and wink at anyone that makes eye contact.

If you follow these 5 steps, you will win that prize and have some really fun photos that show how awesome you really are.

We would love to see your pictures!  E-mail them to and we will post them here!

#iamawesome #ugliestsweater


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3 thoughts on “5 Key Steps to Wearing the Ugliest Christmas Sweater”

  1. I will DEFINITELY share this with my wife, who just put out the “Ugly Christmas Sweater” contest with her collegues at her elementary school, What a fun way to raise the morale this time of year! Thanks for the extra tips!

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