How to Mount A Perfectly Spaced Gallery Wall Easily


I am so excited to share my gallery wall with you. Why? My friend Sarah, the mastermind behind Indy & River, is an amazing artist. I love her style. So much in fact, it is the entirety of my gallery wall with the exception of the “E”.

There are so many ways to mount a gallery wall, and to he honest, I usually choose the “wing it” method. However, whenever I wing it, it never turns out exactly like I wanted it to. There is always one that is a little high, or a bit to far to the right. So, this time, I used careful planning to make my gallery wall to avoid making any unnecessary holes in the wall. So, want to know how to mount a perfectly spaced gallery wall easily? Perfect, here is how.


  • Frames
  • Butcher Paper
  • Masking Tape
  • Sharpie Marker
  • Hammer
  • Picture Frame Hanging Nails
  • Ruler

If you want to see any of these prints in full size and detail visit this shop.

First arrange the gallery wall frames and/or objects in the formation that you want them to be on a large piece of butcher paper. I had to tape two long strips for mine to fit all of my frames on it. I used the actual ruler as a jig to make sure that my frames were all evenly spaced apart. Next, use the Sharpie marker to trace around the frames. Then, measure how far away from the side and from the top that the mounting place is on the actual frame. Measure the same distances and mark the traced frame with an X. When all frames are traced and marked, tape the butcher paper up on the wall and use the level to make sure that your lines are straight. Last, drive a nail through the X, then pull the paper off the wall. Put the frames up and you are done!

How to Mount A Perfectly Spaced Gallery Wall Easily -

How to Mount A Perfectly Spaced Gallery Wall Easily -

How to Mount A Perfectly Spaced Gallery Wall Easily ---

How to Mount A Perfectly Spaced Gallery Wall Easily --

How to Mount A Perfectly Spaced Gallery Wall Easily

How have you mounted your gallery walls? How did it work out? Do tell to add suggestions for future readers. 😉

Check out my friend Sarah’s website and blog here. If you want to buy any of these prints, check out her shop.




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