Planner for Moms

The Best Planner for Moms

Are you ready to find out what the best planner for moms is? Drumroll please..

the best planner for moms

When I was kid in school, I was constantly changing out my binders, for notebooks, then back a binder, then to a Trapperkeeper (remember those?). I was always looking for a better way to organize myself and always trying to find the best planner. I would get bored of my own systems so I had to change it up all the time. As I became an adult, I did the same thing with planners and organizers and have been on the hunt for the best planner for moms.

I used to always resort to a small sketchbook because I had not found a versatile enough planner that fit all of my needs.

I needed to find a good planner so that I could purge my brain of its contents in an organized, easy to see way so that my “mom-brain’ could keep the days straight.

The Best Planner for Moms

the best planner for moms

A couple years ago, my sister did a review on the “Planner that changed her life“. So, I got one too. Now I am HOOKED. [Purchase here] or read on.

I can honestly say that I have never found a better planner. I have never stayed loyal to a planner for more than a few months. This planner I am going on my third year and I plan on getting one next year for sure!

Why do I like this planner so much?

I am a stay at home mom that has about ninety side jobs, projects and church callings going on so my brain is in constant overload unless I plan and write things down.

Because of all the various/ever-changing projects and categories that I need, this planner has it all and can change week to week with me. The best part about the planner is the compartmentalization. The boxes and bubbles give plenty of free reign to empty the contents of my mind and see it on paper.

Once I see it organized in the planner, it is much easier to tackle and finish projects and meet deadlines for my side jobs.

Check out some of these pages:

The bubble boxes to fill up are so perfect for reminders.

best planner for moms

I like that there are blank categories on the weekly calendar so each week I can change it up if I need to.

the best planner for moms calendar

I use the bottom spaces to write down chores lists and the yellow boxes are for meal planning.

the very best planner for moms

Endless places for categorized to-do lists

the best calendar for moms

Last year they added this zip pouch and pocket (that I love) to keep loose things in place or to keep some “fun money” in.

the best organizer for moms

As a church-going woman, it also has great quotes, lessons, planning and even goal setting for strengthening relationships.

{If you are not interested in the church pages, you can get the simple Mom On The Go planner instead.}

the best planner for moms organized

Mothers, in all honesty, if you feel overwhelmed or have a hard time getting to sleep at night because your mind is racing, get this planner and use it. I promise that your load will be lifted.  Try to organize your day,  plan efficiently, and give your brain a break! {I call it “brain-dumping”.}

It is the ONLY planner that I would say is TOTALLY worth buying, even in the middle of the year. I would buy it in October even and pre-order the following year so that I would not miss a week. It is just that good.

Thank you In The Leafy Tree Tops for creating sending me the best planner for moms to review. I stay grounded because of you.

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