What to Pack in Your Diaper Bag


Diaper Bag Essentials

Diaper bags!!!!  I have tried so many types of bags and so many “essential” items that you must have, but I have come to learn that the more simple the bag and the stuff in the bag, the better off you will be!

When I had my first son, I decided to searched the internet for “what to pack in your diaper bag”. I thought I needed every little thing mentioned by the “experts”. I proceeded to put all of it into my grey diaper bag with so many zippers and hidden pacifier pockets, etc.  I had multiple changes of clothes and 200 binkies and multiple sizes of diapers and wipes that come in a special travel pouch and I was the typical first time mom.   Disclaimer: If you are a first time mom, be a first time mom.  Stuff everything in your diaper bag and wash that binky every time it hits the floor.  There is something magical about that.

Four kids later and I have a new diaper bag strategy.  I don’t like the typical diaper bag.  I would rather have a bag that could be mistaken for a purse.  Here is the bag that I currently use.

It is a large diaper bag/purse that you can use long after your kids are grown.  I love bags with multiple straps or handles.  It has 10 pockets inside, but they are not bulky pockets, so if you prefer to throw everything in the bag it has a nice large center for all your stuff.  I usually only throw my keys in the small pockets so I don’t have to dig for them.  It has been a great diaper bag!  I would suggest a bag like this, because it is very versatile and functional.  Now on to the essentials to put in your bag…

KEEP IT SIMPLE!!!  At least for me, that is my diaper bag motto.  My baby is one, so it is a little easier to keep it simple now that he is not spitting up all the time.  I like things that can be dual purpose.  Here is my list of ‘essentials”.  (please note: every baby is different and every mom is different, so here is a good starting point)

1. Diapers (obviously).  When I go out, I like to use a high quality diaper.  It makes a difference in how much they leak.

2. Wipes.  I think I will have wipes in my purse until the day I die.  They are so handy for everything! Spills, dirty faces, etc.

3. At least one of these bad boys…

They are cloth diapers, but I use them for burp cloths. I had some major spitters and this was the only thing that was absorbent enough.  These are great for any age though.  Think of when your 2 year old pee’s their pants in the store…great quick discrete clean up 🙂  They are super boring, so I dye them.  Grab some Rit Dye and follow the directions.  Really cute.

4.  Germ Squirt (aka hand sanitizer)

5. Sunscreen for the babes

6. Something to eat or drink.  Graham crackers are a bad choice.  You will have inches of crumbs in the bottom of your cute new bag.


Those are my diaper bag essentials!  What would be on your list?


I received a bag for my honest review.  All text is my own

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