Right now I have a little baby that is king of the blowouts. Don’t ask about the time one got on six DIFFERENT surfaces in my bedroom. Yes six. Oh the glamorous life as a mother. As opposed to doing a write up about how to get blowout stains off of bedspreads, walls and lampshades, I will keep it strictly to getting stains out of infant clothing.
Can you believe how dark the stain is after one wash without this stain removal technique?
In a desperate attempt to save some brand new pajamas, I tried it this way.
How to Get Yellow Stains Out of Baby Clothing
(remove stain from baby poop)
First, put a Tablespoon of Oxi-Clean in a dish.
Next, add 2 Tablespoons of HOT water and stir it into a grainy paste. (After checking out the super-helpful OxiClean website, I realized that I should have let it dissolve all the way.)
Scrub the mixture aggressively into the stain. [I used a retired toothbrush]
Roll it up and let it sit wet for a couple hours, then wash as usual. Don’t let it dry on the clothing.
This was my results with our last blowout escapade. Great right?
By the way, I have also heard that OxiClean will work with yellowed baby clothing/collars that have sat in storage for too long. (Yellow Milk Stains)
I hope this helps you someday!
Try out the OxiClean website to select the stain and the surface and it will tell you a recipe for removal.
What success have you had with these tough yellow stain from baby poop?
So handy. Oh how I wish I had known this a couple years ago!
We used Babyganics stain spray. All natural, no harsh chemicals, totally baby safe and it got out every stain we ever had. We sprayed the collar of every onesie and never had ring around the collar ever! Stuff was so amazing we even used it on our clothing and still do!