Oh how I love fresh homemade flour tortillas! These homemade tortillas are not difficult to make and they are so soft and fresh. They are perfect for tacos, burritos, enchiladas or even wraps. My husband actually uses his tortilla like an eating utensil! He tears off a small piece and scoops up his food with it and eats it just like that!
This recipe will make 10 – 12 large tortillas. Most likely you have all of these ingredients in your pantry right now.
Homemade Flour Tortillas
- 3 cups flour
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 3/4 tsp salt
- 1 cup hot water
- 4 tbsp vegetable oil or olive oil
- In a bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder and salt. In a measuring cup, measure the 1 cup of hot water and addthe oil. Pour the oil/water mixture all at once into the bowl of dryingredients. Stir together with a fork until well incorporated. Using your hands, knead the dough on a floured surface untilsmooth (only about 10 – 15 strokes.)Divide the dough into 10-12 equal size portions. (If youwant small Fajita size tortillas, divide the dough into about 16 equal pieces.)It is very important that you cover the dough balls with a damp towel orplastic wrap and let them sit for at least 30 minutes! The dough needs to restand relax – otherwise it will be like stretchy elastic and will spring backwhen you try to roll it out.To form the tortillas, roll out each ball of dough onto alightly floured surface using a rolling pin until very thin (about 1/8″.) Theywill be about 8″ in diameter. If you make the small Fajita size, they will beabout 6″ in diameter. I love to use my little mini rolling pin for rolling out small things like this!Form it into a small disk with your hands before you beginrolling with the rolling pin.Preheat griddle or frying pan to between 350° and 375°. (Ilike to use my Electric Skillet forthese because I can keep the temperature just right! I set mine just between350-375° – so about 360° or so.) I have found that if the pan is not hotenough, the tortilla will take too long to cook and will dry out! If it is too hot, the tortilla will brown tooquickly and will still be doughy in the middle.Place tortillas on griddle, one at a time, and allow it tocook for only 1 minute. Bubbles will start to form. This is normal.Turn the tortilla over and cook on the other side foranother minute.Stack the freshly cooked tortillas on a plate under a cleankitchen towel to keep them soft and warm. Then transfer to a tortilla warmerfor serving, if you have one. They taste best if served while still warm! Keep the leftovers in a zipper seal bag and store at roomtemperature. They will keep for a couple of days.
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Found this recipe on Pinterest. Was out of tortillas, so I thought I’d give it a try. They were simple to make and came out great! I had never made tortillas before, but will from now on. Thanks!
Love this! My only question is there a way to store them longer?
Just keep them in an airtight container or ziploc bag (at room temperature.) They’ll keep for a couple of day. (They are the very best when they’re fresh!)
I loved these!!! They have been on my “to do” list forever and I am so glad I made them. We had them with fish tacos and I don’t think I will ever buy them from the store again. Thanks again!! I posted a link on my blog for these! http://www.voluntownhousewife.com/fish-tacos-with-mango-avocado-salsa/
what setting on the stove top would equal 350*? I want to make these so badly!
i just made these tonight to go with fajitas. Wow. They were really good, and definitely kicked our fajitas up a notch.
I used olive oil and subbed 1 cup whole wheat flour for 1 of the cups of ap flour.
My only problem was that they broke very easily, so we had to double wrap our fajitas. Has anyone else experienced this or do I just need to use all ap flour and maybe a different oil?
Yes, changing the recipe can make them change texture and break more easily. I always try to change stuff up too, and sometimes, it is just better not to. Glad you liked them!
Can these be frozen for later use?
Yes. I freeze almost everything.
yes Ziploc free”em
Nothing like fresh tortillas…am still trying to prefect homemade ones though, I will try yours! 🙂
These were delicious!! Thank you for sharing. My only question is mine came out more like tostadas–they were crispy even after frying for only one minute per side. And they bubbled a ton. Am I doing something wrong?
Has anyone tried gluten free flour with this recipe?
You can poke holes with a fork while cooking to prevent huge bubbles.