Homemade Bath Towel Apron

Easy to Sew 2-in-1 Bath Towel Apron

One of the most clever and useful gifts that I got for my baby shower was a homemade bath towel apron. I use this towel apron all the time! The apron is made from a full size towel and I wear it while bathing my little one. It is so convenient because I don’t get wet from the splashes, then it is easy to scoop the babe up in your arms and wrap them up. I want to show you how these baby bath time aprons are made. They are really, the perfect baby shower gift. They are darling, unique and very useful. I actually have seen them used in the kitchen to! Great for doing dishes.

What You Will Need to Make a Bath Towel Apron

  • Towel
  • 1 Yard Accent Fabric
  • Matching Thread
  • Measuring Tape or Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Iron
  • Sewing Machine (or a neighbor who has one)

How To Make a Bath Towel Apron

Take your towel and lay it out flat on  a table. Measure 9 inches from the top corner (both across and down) and mark it. Do this to both sides of the top of the towel. Freehand a curved line creating your cutting guide for where the arms go on one of the sides. Then fold the towel lengthwise and trace it to the other side so that it is symmetrical. Next, measure the thickness of the line across the towel and cut a strip of your accent fabric 1 inch thicker (leaving room to fold it under on both sides). DSC08343 Fold both edges under and iron the folds down in the same thickness of the strip across the towel. DSC08344 Sew the accent on using a stitch across the top, and one on the bottom at about a 1/8 in seam allowance. The sides will be sewn on as you attach the next step. DSC08347 You will need about 50 inches of a strip cut on the bias to make the neck, and ties in the back (all connected). You can choose the width that you would like. I made mine quite thin, but it would be cute either way. (I only had a 1/4 yard of fabric, so I skipped the bias. Mine doesn’t lay as perfect as it would on the bias. DSC08351 My mom taught me a technique called stitch in the ditch to apply the strip. See this video if you want to try it. This is the best video that I found to explain it.

When sewing on to a raw edge of a towel, make sure that you give a good deep seam allowance so that it will not fray. Once that is attached, roll the end of the strip twice and sew it up. 2 in 1 bath towel apron It is complete! Isn’t it cute? What has been a useful gift that you have received?

13 thoughts on “Homemade Bath Towel Apron”

  1. That is the coolest baby gift ever! I’m going to make one for myself this weekend. Why did I have to wait until my seventh baby to find something so amazing? Thanks for sharing.

  2. What a handy idea. It would be great to see the finished product unworn so as to see the length of the neck and ties.

    1. I am making this right now and was thinking the same thing. I actually cut my strip almost 60 inches but it still doesn’t seem long enough to go all the way around the neck and tie in the back. Will probably end up making additional strips for the ties, I guess??

  3. So I just made one of these and it turned out great!! It is such a fantastic idea! 2 changes I made were to lengthen the ties by cutting 2 longer strips, sewing them together at the back of the neck and letting them hang a bit longer (I still think I’d want to add even more length for my plus-sized frame). The other thing I encountered is that my towel I had bought was too long! I’m 5’3″ and it was dragging on the floor. I cut off several inches and added a trim of the matching fabric along the bottom. Overall I think it turned out great, didn’t take long at all, and will make a super cute personalized baby gift!! Thanks for sharing your idea!

  4. I also made this apron for a gift and enjoyed making it. I saved the pieces from the top and added them to the towel below the waist line for pockets. I added ties to the waist and long ties at the neck so they could be tied as needed. My towel was long as well so I folded the bottom into a 5inch hem which can be used for a pillow for a young baby.
    Thank you for the Idea!!

  5. I love this idea. I have a small dog that I bath and she likes to try to get away before I can get her wrapped in a towel and I feel like I have taken a shower while bathing her. I am making one for me and a couple for friends that are expecting. Thanks for tha great idea.

    1. You are so welcome! Send us some pics and if you have any feedback on the tutorial- I would love to get it very easy to follow. Let me know if you have any trouble following.

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