Moisturizing Facial Mask – Using Natural Ingredients From Your Kitchen

Here in our neck of the woods, we have to tolerate a very dry climate. So dry skin is a common occurrence here, especially during the winter months. This “do-it-yourself” moisturizing facial mask is a completely natural mask that can be used as often as twice a week. After using this moisturizing mask on a regular basis, my skin feels soft and hydrated again!

You will only need these 3 inexpensive, natural ingredients from your kitchen to make this great moisturizing mask!

Let’s start with egg yolks! They are very rich in Vitamin A, which is great for moisturizing.

The sour cream contains a mild lactic acid (an alpha-hydroxy acid) which removes dead skin to promote new skin cell turnover. It can increase your skin’s sensitivity to sunlight (so be sure to use sunscreen!)

Honey is naturally antibacterial, so it’s great for acne treatment and prevention.  It’s full of antioxidants, so it’s good for slowing down your skin’s aging process.  Honey is also a good moisturizer!

Moisturizing Facial Mask – Using Natural Ingredients From Your Kitchen

Here’s how to make it!

1 egg yolk

1 t. honey

2 T. regular sour cream

Stir the ingredients together in a small dish, with a fork or small whisk, until creamy. You will only need a small amount so you can save this creamy concoction for 3 days in your refrigerator and use it again later.  Better yet, grab a friend and share!

whisk ingredients

Apply the freshly mixed mask to your freshly washed face using a cotton ball (be sure to avoid your eye, nostril and mouth area.) Leave the  mask on your face for 15 minutes. Then, gently remove mask with a warm, wet washcloth and rinse your face thoroughly with warm water. Finish  by rinsing your face with cool water.  Pat dry, then continue with your regular makeup routine.

*If you are using any medicated or prescription lotions, creams or ointments, check with your doctor to make sure these ingredients will not react or interfere with any of your special skin creams. Or, if you have any sensitivities or allergies to any of these ingredients, then this mask may not be for you.

Your skin will feel soooo soft!

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