When it comes to making your own almond milk, it doesn’t always taste like the kind from the store. Sometimes its better, but a lot of times it is worse. Through trial and error, I have found the perfect tasting homemade almond milk. All you need is: (Pay attention to the key step below)
1 C. Raw Almonds
8 Cups Water
3/4 t. Salt
1 Heaping T. Honey
3/4 t. Vanilla
Key step: The night before you are going to make the almond milk, put all the almonds in a large bowl with 2 C. water. Soak them overnight. In the morning, strain them and then put all of the ingredients in the blender and blend for 3-5 minutes. Meanwhile, put a funnel over your container, and a Nut Milk Bag over the funnel. (See my homemade funnel here)Â Pour the mixture into the Nut Milk Bag
 and watch the liquid separate from the pulp.
Squeeze out the excess moisture from the cloth and put the pulp aside.
The milk is now ready to drink! SO DELICIOUS!
Have you ever made your own almond milk?
#almondmilk #delicious #diy
I definitely want to try this recipe. Any suggestions for uses for the pulp?
I am actually planning on making a new post on pulp ideas.. Stay tuned. {sneak peak} Delicious Power Energy Bites -put it in the food processor with dates, agave, chia, oats, flax, and Justin’s Vanilla Almond Butter
Pulp would be great after being dried out in the oven at 170 degrees for 3 hours (read about that on another post). Blended in your food processor. Use the blended almonds in a Linzer Torte recipe instead of buying expensive almond flour.
Any idea how long this milk will keep in the fridge?
Most store bought containers say to use it before a weeks time. I would say that it is best for the first 3 days. It does start to separate. I usually just give it a shake when that happens. I have never been able to have enough leftover before it goes rancid. Maybe a week? 10 days? I will do an experiment with this batch and let you know the results! Good question! Thanks for reading! Remember to come back to this post in a couple weeks for an update.
Hi from Costa Rica! I’ve done this a few times and I love it.
I like to use the almond pulp to make almond cookies, I just substitute half of the flour needed for the pulp and let me tell you, those are the best almond cookies I’ve eaten. 🙂
You can use the pulp for baking. Add to French toast mixture, sugar cookie dough, or as a coffee cake topping before baking. 🙂
Oh my goodness. Great idea! I need to bake something immediately.
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Made my first batch….so excited! Thanks for your insight. Making my smoothie as we speak.
That is awesome! Great idea to use it in a smoothie.
At what point do you add the other ingredients, to the bottle and shake, or everything in a bowl and mix first???
I put it all in the blender, including the whole almonds. Then strained out all of the pulp. Thank you for asking! I will edit the recipe to be more descriptive.
Pingback: 5 Ideas for the Leftover Almond Pulp From Making Almond Milk
Hi Ali!!!
Very interested in making this but couple questions … 1. is the 2 cups used to soak almonds overnight part of the 8 cups of water needed?
2. Does the water temperature matter?
3. What kind of salt do you use? Kosher? Sea? Table?
Thanks so much!!!!!
I think I’ve been on the computer too long .. My name is MELODY … OY! Thank you!!!!
Hi Melody. Thanks for your questions.
I usually do not count the 2 cups as part of the recipe. 8 full cups will go in the blender with the other ingredients. Depending on how rich you like your milk, you can try anywhere from 6-10 cups water. I like 8 the best. I use room temp water and table salt (mine is a Pink Himalaya variety) but any table salt will do. I hope you like it! It is so much easier to make than I imagined. Let us know how it goes!
I love almond milk but it is so expensive to purchase. I am definitely going to try this.
We love to save money any way we can. And this way is easy because it tastes good too. Thanks for reading!
If we can’t find a nut milk bag will a coffee filter work?
I personally have never tried it. Let us know if it works. Another alternative is any fine mesh nylon. You could get a 1/2 yard at a fabric store or buy some nylon stockings and use that.
Yes, of course I did my own almond milk, back when I was 80-90% a raw food lover. I never used salt, but I see the point here, I should try sometimes!
Pingback: Homemade Almond Milk Recipe — DIY Color Burst
I just made this for the first time. My blender doesn’t hold 8 cups, so this was a trial and error. I didn’t blend hardly at all because of the leakage, but it still turned out good. Maybe next time I will split the recipe in half and do two runs of the blender. Thanks so much for the recipe. Do you feel this is cheaper in the long run? Anybody know cost difference? Thanks again!
You could try doing it with 5 cups and then stirring in more water after you have strained it. I have done that in the past and it seems to mix in well. The price difference really on the almonds that you get. I just get mine from Sam’s Club and I have calculated that it costs just over $2 to do it with those almonds. For me, its no bother to make it so its totally worth it in the long run. Plus, you can dilute it as much as you would like to stretch it.
I saw this recipe and was super excited so I jumped online and ordered a nut milk bag. I made it tonight and it is delicious! I ended up using 5 cups of water for the initial blending and then added the rest later. My daughter was so excited that she insisted on drinking it out of a bowl (I don’t understand either, but she’s three). I spread out my almond meal on parchment paper and dried it in the oven for later use. Thanks so much for the recipe!
I am sooo glad that you liked it. I really do love it and it is so easy right? Now, when I get it from the store, I think it tastes weird, like to much added stuff. That is funny about the bowl. Who knows where they come up with these things.
I am so so excited to try this! I am doing The Whole 30 right now and couldn’t find a compliant Almond milk, so looked up recipes and found yours!! Just bought nut milk bags from Amazon, can’t wait to make this. I think I will have to eliminate the honey to make it totally Whole 30 compliant, but it should still be good, just a little less sweet. Thanks for the recipe!!
Good luck with the Whole 30! I think you will really enjoy this almond milk.
I love this recipe. I only make a quarter batch everyday in my nurtibullet. That way there is no chance of it going bad, and my husband doesn’t complain about me buying the nutribullet. This tastes awesome in my protein shakes instead of just plain water. Now to go wonder through the rest of your site for more awesome stuff.
Thanks, that is a good idea to make it fresh. Do you soak the almonds each night?
I am wondering if you have any idea of the nutrition information on this almond milk? I made it today and it tastes great, but would like to know how many calories and other stuff per cup or half cup? Thank you for the great recipe!!
Hi, I was wondering how many cups of almond milk this makes? Thanks!
How ever much cups of water you put in, the number should be about the same. The almonds don’t add much. Thanks for stopping by.
I must admit, I think I like a little heavier texture and flavor (I used 8 cups of water, but I think I’d prefer 6 or less). I’m used to the store bought vanilla almond milk so I added extra vanilla and honey (some truvia as well). I’m soaking another 1/2 cup almonds to add to my milk tomorrow. I used a knee-high nylon to strain the pulp and it worked perfectly and extremely quickly. I’m toasting the leftover pulp in the oven now to make almond flour. What a delicious aroma it’s creating in my house!
Any idea about the nutritional info for this almond milk? calories? carbs? fat? protein? if you do please let me know. Thank you:)
I use myfitness pal to look up nutrition info on homemade things! Good luck!
I made this just now without the vanilla (I wanted to use it for a cream soup as I am recently dairy intolerant) It is delicious. Thanks for the great instructions.