My oldest son started his first day of Kindergarten last week, and we all know what that means for a first time mom…melt down. Not him of course. Me. I am not ready for him being a grown-up. I know, I know that might be dramatic, but he looks like a grown up to me (besides the fact that he is wearing a superman shirt to the first day of school and that he has about 16 carribeaners hanging from his backpack). Other than that…grown-up.
Anyway, he told me that they say the Pledge of Allegiance at school. I am proud. Hopefully all of your sweet little grown-ups/children are learning it too. Here is a free printable for you to put in your home to help them memorize it.
(To download this freebie for printing…Click on image twice. Then right click and select “Save image as”. From here, you can open it in a word processing document or picture program and print.)
You may be interested in this Peel and Stick Chalkboard Paper.
I love this and would love to download it to have in my office. I work at a school. Unfortunately, I cannot isntall the program that it says I need to so that I can download it. Would it be possible for you to email me a pdf file of this so I can print it off?! Pretty please?!
Just sent it 🙂 Thanks for visiting! I hope you enjoy it!