Oreo Rice KrispiesTreat Recipe

Oreo Rice Krispies Treats

Today while prepping for a camping trip, I made some homemade treats. I had seen pictures of this before and finally got around to trying the infamous OREO Rice Krispies Treats! I had  seen people use recipes that call for black food coloring as well to make them all dark, but I like these tasty “black and white” Oreo Rice Krispies Treats just how they are, no dyes needed.


I always use the microwave recipe when I make Rice Krispies Treats. I have to admit, I was skeptical that they would turn out well in the microwave but I am now a believer. It is so much easier and they work out just as well.


To make regular Rice Krispy Treats in the microwave, you place 10 oz. marshmallows and 3 T. butter in bowl. Heat for 2 minutes on high and stir down. Then heat for 1 minute more and pour it over 6 cups of Rice Krispies. Mix well and let set it in a 16X9 pan.


To alter the recipe, I added more marshmallows and butter to compensate for more dry ingredients.

Oreo Rice Krispy Treat Recipe 1


Oreo Rice Krispies Treat Recipe

16 oz. pkg marshmallows

4 T. Butter

3 C. Crushed OREO

6 C. Rice Krispies

Place  marshmallows and butter in a microwave safe bowl.

Heat for 2 minutes on high and stir down.

Then heat for 1 minute more and pour it over 6 cups of Rice Krispies.

Mix well and let set it in a 16X9 pan.


Are you an OREO fanatic like me?

Oreo Rice Krispy Treat Recipe 2

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