Dirty Diet Coke

Dirty Diet Coke the easy way

I was introduced to the famous “Dirty Diet Coke” last summer by my good friend Hailey…and I kind of loved it, so much.  Apparently they are pretty hard to find and I was craving one.  Here in Washington they are not as plentiful as they are in Utah.  I had to make my own.  There are a few ways to make the dirty diet coke, but this is the most convenient for me.  I am able to find everything I need from the grocery store and don’t have to order this coconut syrup online.  Here is the recipe…super easy, super good.

1 can Diet Coke
1 Almond Joy flavored coffee creamer (I buy these individual packs)
Squirt of Lime Juice

Seriously this Dirty Diet Coke is AMAZING!  And you can take them on the go!  Just make sure to drink a few sips out of the can before you pour the creamer in…It will bubble over if you don’t 🙂

Note: These Almond Joy packets taste just like coconut.  I can’t taste any almond or chocolate flavor in them at all.  And they are the perfect size to mix with 1 can of Diet Coke.

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