5 Summer Essentials I Always Keep in the Car

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Wet Ones® Hand Wipes. The opinions and texts are all mine.

I absolutely love summer! I always have. There is something so freeing about those three little months that make the obligations we have the rest of the year seem worth it. To me purpose of summer is to let kids be kids, and give them the chance to explore the world around them. They get to experience the dirt, and grass, and sand, and rocks, and splinters, scrapes, and sunshine, all in one day, if they feel like it.

If your summers are anything like ours, they are filled with adventure, nature, popsicle stains, water galore, and lots and lots of messes. Over the years I’ve come up with 5 summer essentials I always keep in the car. These things have helped give us more freedom to play when opportunity presents itself.

5 Summer Essentials I Always Have in my Car

1. A Swim Bag

I don’t know how many times water has spontaneously become a part of our afternoon.  Whether it’s sprinklers, hoses, water fights, slip and slides or pools, water is a huge part of what we do in the summer. There are plenty of times that my kids are soaking wet in their clothes, and I get it, water will dry, but having the option of swimming suits, gives us more freedom, and comfort in a lot of our water activities.

2. A Change of Clothes

Swim suits were a good lead in to this next one.  Water isn’t the only thing that can cramp your style. It’s summer! Getting messy is part of the deal! There have been countless times I wished I had a change of clothes for the kiddos, and not just for the diaper age. Having the option to get out of muddy, stinky, slimy stained clothes is huge.

3. Sunscreen

Sunscreen is really an all year essential, but especially in the summer. My kids are in the sandbox for hours at  a time, and it is not always in the shade. Think about most any summer activity. What do you think of? Sunshine, right? Don’t let the sun be the reason you have to stay out of the sun. Always carry sun protection with you so you don’t have to worry about finding shade.

4. Snacks and Water

Food and water are key to keeping little ones happy if you’re gone for a day long excursion. Each of my kids have a water bottle that we fill up overtime we leave the house. I always throw bags of nuts, fruit, crackers or pretzel in the car as well. Sometimes all they need is a light snack to keep them going. Then you can avoid unnecessary stops at fast food joints.

5. Antibacterial Wipes

This one is the last, and best of all the game. I have never been a fan of hand sanitizer. I didn’t like that you just squirted some soupy substance on your hand, and spread it around with all the dirt and grime and then let it dry. How does that make me feel better about handling my food? Well, here is the answer folks! Wet Ones® Citrus Scent Antibacterial Hand Wipes.

Wet Ones Citrus Wipes

Wet Ones® Hand Wipes has a few different scents, but the citrus happens to be my favorite. It is a very light, clean scent, and not only sanitizes your hands but actually removes the dirt onto the wipe.

Wet Ones wipes with dirt

I first found these at Walmart in the Hair and Beauty section. Wet Ones® Hand Wipes are perfect for instances when we’ve been playing hard and need to be, or at least appear to be, a little more civilized.

Just for some context, here are some of the things we’ve done recently.


Paint Play Dates

Slot Canyon

Slot Canyon Adventures

Sidewalk Chalk

Sidewalk Chalk Art

Fun in the mud

Mud Runs…just for fun!

Is the list starting to make sense? Now you can see why there are 5 things I always keep in the car? Looking back over these, maybe I should be stocking up on my Wet Ones® Hand Wipes. 🙂

What are must-haves for you in the summer months?

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Wet Ones® Hand Wipes.  The opinions and texts are all mine.



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