Plum Currant Chutney with a Hint of Ginger

Plum Currant Chutney with a Hint of Ginger

I guess I am more of a kitchen gadget hoarder than I thought. There are two gadgets that made this recipe go so quickly. I love shortcuts. First gadget that I use daily is a , (I got mine in the . Secondly, a zester that was given to me for my birthday or Christmas (can’t remember). As you look at the pictures of this recipe you will see why they are such HUGE time savers in the kitchen.
This recipe came from a canning book bible, you may call it, that I got from my Sister-In-Law. I love it. It has everything about preserving in this book.

Here is my simple photo tutorial version of Plum Chutney making: Find recipe below.

Wash your plums
Get out your
Chop Chop
Add ingredients to a pot
Render down
Prep Jars then process in a water bath
Find something to spread it on and EAT!

Plum Chutney Recipe

16 cups chopped and pitted plums
3 cups lightly packed brown sugar
3 cups white vinegar
2 cups currants or raisins
1 cup chopped onion
2 T. Mustard Seeds
2 t. ground ginger
1 t. salt

Bring to a boil. Render ingredients for 30 minutes or until you can mound on a spoon.
Prep jars for a water bath.
Here is how to prep and do a water bath.
Process for 15 minutes. Remove lid and wait 5 minutes to remove jars. Cool and Store.

For more detailed instructions, please purchase The Complete Book of Home Preserving.

What would you put this plum chutney on?

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