Perfect Microwave Caramel Dip

microwave caramel for dipping

For some this might seem a little bit “out of season”, but for me, caramel and apples never go out of season. I started making this caramel dip when I learned to make homemade caramels in the microwave (with only 5 ingredients). I am hooked on this recipe because it is so versatile. I use it for candy making, desserts, popcorn, on ice cream, on apples for snacks, you name it. I have even tried flavoring it. I love that in 10 minutes, you can have fresh caramel ready to go.

So here is. Drumroll please… the recipe for Perfect Microwave Caramel Dip {or topping} is on today. (Guest Post)

Head on over to get the full recipe and check out some of their deals. They are incredible wheelers and dealers. I love to see how they get such amazing prices on EVERYTHING.

I got a Crock Pot from Kohl’s for $9 once from following them on Instagram.

easy microwave caramel dip

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