Have you ever gone to Nordsrom and scheduled Mac makeover? I recently did this with some girlfriends for a girls night out. Like the times before, my friends and I got some good laughs about how strange it is to see me with a smokey eye, or any other bold colors or makeup techniques for that matter. I have a very simple style and wear very little makeup on a daily basis. My end goal is usually to make it look as if I don’t have any on at all. These makeovers usually are more entertaining than educational for me, however, this time the makeup artist understood my makeup language and was able to suggest a product that in one short week has changed the way I look at eye makeup forever.
It’s a pigmented eye color called
The cute makeup artist said she started using it six years ago as a primer for her eyes and has not gone a day without it since. It can act as a primer, but also blends as a foundation would, to hide any discoloration. If you are in a rush to get out, you can wear this alone, and even without additional eye shadow, your eyes pop! You look more awake and the smoothing effect will make you look younger and more put together with one simple step. You can find this at Nordstrom.com or any other place Mac products are sold. Want to try it first? Get some girlfriends together for a girls night and schedule a makeover. Specifically ask for any of the natural “paint pot eye color”and they can match you with a good shade for your complexion. I have light to medium complexion with red undertones and the perfect shade for me is called “painterly”. Try this out and tell me what you think.
I too recently went to mac and picked up the painterly pot. It has been a month and I haven’t gone a makeup wearing day with out it.
I know right?!? I just wanted to spread the love. I think it makes a huge difference!
Best way for a natural look and perfect improvement.