Laundry is THE WORST, amiright? It. Never. Ends.
It really is the household chore that I dispise like the least. I am the mom of 4 little boys who are all boy; playing in the gutters finding worms, tackling each other in the yard, combing their hair with toothpaste…you know, the usual stuff boys do. We have very dirty clothes. My laundry room is a disaster and I just can’t keep on top of it. So you can use some of these laundry tips and they will miraculously make laundry less painful. Here are the 5 ways to make laundry easier:
1. Use the new No Sort for Colors Liquid Laundry Detergent! What! I didn’t sort my laundry way before it was cool to not sort…and I just had very dingy clothing! They do recommend washing new items a few times just in case the colors bleed a little. Sorting Schmorting. Who needs it?
2. Have a clothing cleanse! We have a clothing cleanse every so often (usually when I am overwhelmed by piles of dirty laundry and the weather is bad). We dump all the clothes from our whole house in our living room. I have the kids get a basket and gather everything that is theirs. Then we go one by one, one piece of clothing at a time, and decide what we really need. Some people cry and whine and some people could care less. Let’s hope you have more careless-ers at your house 😉
3. Go through pockets! I know, I know. I said this was ways to make laundry easier…but trust me. You will wish you had checked those pockets when you chapstick or a crayon in the dryer, and all of your clothes are polka-dotted. It is sad. It has happened more times than I would like to admit 🙁 Also make sure you don’t wash a disposable diaper…you might cry.
4. Get on a laundry schedule! Wash your linens on Monday, wash towels on Tuesday, wash the grimy 2 year olds clothes on Wednesday, etc. It will make laundry a little more bearable and less overwhelming.
5. Multi-task! While you are folding the laundry, watch a tv show. While you wait for the dryer to finish, clean your kitchen or take a nap. I put the wet clothes in the dryer right before I go to bed. When I wake up, they are ready for me to fold. Although sometimes that doesn’t happen right away and I have to do the smell test to see if they are clean or not. It is better to fold them right away…trust me.
Hopefully you feel a little more empowered to take on the dreaded laundry! But always know that if you hate doing laundry as much as I do, we can be best friends and talk bad about laundry behind its back and we will laugh and laugh until we have to go home to do more laundry. Laundry is THE WORST!
I always love new tips. I’m pretty good about at least 1 load each weeknight. Put it in when I get home. Move it right before dinner, and usually fold it while we watch TV. It has made life so much easier when everything is clean in the mornings. Towels linens etc are all saved for the weekend when the family is willing to help fold. I’ll have to try the family purge (#2), we usually only do 1 person at a time, but there is nothing like a true cleanse!
I am trying to get the instructions on how to make my own sheet fabric softer for your website!
Hi! Here is the link to the fabric softener sheets 🙂 They are awesome!
I’m making my own washing soap now for my laundry,I would like to know if there’s a way to get the GAIN smell to go in ..Thanks Linda..